"Canvas is a bank piece of life. Waiting for someone to throw color and ambition on it. It waits anxiously for itself to come to life. Now is the time. Let the journey begin."

Sunday, February 6, 2011

2011 ♥

My new years goal is simply this: "Do what you love and do it often."

I have resigned myself to the fact that I'm always going to have busyness. Maybe when I'm 80 and retired I'll have more down time, but I doubt it since I'm marrying a man who is never in the same place for longer than 6 months. ;) I have made a bad habit of letting my busyness interfere with the things I'm really passionate about. Things such as: Books, creating art and gifts, cooking, dancing and writing. Being a working, college kid, it's not exactly easy to find time to embrace your passions and make an A at the same time. Especially when you throw in wedding planning and trips in the mix! Phew! But my goal for this year is to discover my own heart and God's through the passions He has placed in me. So for some accountability and just out of excitement for my new challenge, I have decided to post some spiffy stuff I look forward to including into my life this year. :)


I plan to read a lot more this year than I did last year. Some much talked about books on my list are...
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Searching for God Knows What by Donald Miller
Esther by Beth Moore (bible study)
Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequist
Going All The Way by Craig Groeschel (Already read, but one I think will be even more beneficial this year!)
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
Echo In The Darkness by Francine Rivers

Got any favorites you have read? I am always up for a new good book suggestion. :)
Also, I am an avid random writer when I'm reading, so this little beauty just makes me a very happy girl!(http://www.moleskineus.com/mbl22-moleskine-passions-book-journal.htm)

Journals and other fun things.
I love to cook. But being that I never am home in the evening, I thankfully always shave great meals waiting for me from my mum and dad. But I do love it and often my and future hubs make date nights on the weekends out of just cooking for our fams. I love making the meals, and he's more of a dessert kind of guy. We balance well! ;) Anywho, so I have recently taken an interest in finding easy recipes to practice my culinary artistry, and found this sweet must-have I'll be ordering soon to compose all my scrap pieces of paper and recipe cards in:
Pretty great huh? I am looking to get my creative mind into a more organized state when it comes to things I tend to misplace (which happens a lot). My current "recipe book" is a pile and folder of random torn out pages and cards...(sigh.)

Africa and Art.

My heart flutters with excitement when I see great works of art and pictures from Africa. One of the best ways I let loose is by creating things. Whether it be a random drawing or a unique gift, I just feel peace when I'm putting my hands to work on something my heart loves. So this year, I've decided to take on making baby bibs for all the sweet kids I have the privilege of meeting at the Noel Orphanage in Rwanda. I am using a pattern similar to this: (http://homemadebyjill.blogspot.com/2008/02/bib-tutorial.html). I am so excited to do this. It'll definitely be a year long process, but such a great way to process what God is doing in me because of each precious kid I held and kissed.

Lastly, I am passionate about writing. I often carry several journals in different places (my purse, backpack, car...etc.) My mind gets full pretty easily, so especially while on campus, I grab the first few minutes of class or study breaks to jot down things on my heart or ideas that flood into my brain. I love it. They are all pretty scattered, but it's fun to read over them and constantly be inspired to write. My blog posts often come from random thoughts throughout the day, so I encourage all you blog savvy peeps to do this if you'd like.

Well, that's all for now! My fiancé is studying away diligently next to me, something I am constantly inspired/convicted by when I have homework calling my name. :) Off to the books!

P.S. My last little favorite for the year:(http://www.verabradley.com/product/Category/School-and-Office/2011-Agenda/1001066/defaultColor/Barcelona/pc/638/c/0/sc/644/p/1001066.uts). I'm a little obsessed with miss Bradley...just a little.

Happy Sunday!


  1. I loved reading this, Tiffanie. I think it's such a challenge to be intentional like this, but the results are so rewarding. I am trying it myself, regarding writing, photography, and most importantly, time with Jesus, but I haven't blogged about it, so perhaps I should!

    I have Cold Tangerines sitting on my shelf and am trying to get to it but haven't yet!

    As for other books, I love so many that to give recommendations is somewhat impractical and quite possibly overwhelming, but you can see which books I've read this year, all of which I've enjoyed, here on my blog:

  2. Oooh I love those journals! I'm like you, I have scraps papers of my recipes and I have somewhat organized them by putting them into a 3 ring binder in page protectors (that way when I cook I don't get anything on them)

    I like what you said about allowing the busyness to get in the way of things... it's true that life really never slows down and we have to choose to make time for the things we want in our lives.

    Oh and I love Francine Rivers! I read Redeeming Love last year in a few days...I could NOT put that book down! I think I'll read one of her books soon as well!

  3. Love this! And I love the new design. You are so fantastic!!

    I want to make bibs with you!

    Have you heard of blogging for books? Or something like that...? I signed up, but haven't done anything. I think, if you blog about their books, they will send them to you for free. Anyway, I think Mere Christianity is on the list...
