"Canvas is a bank piece of life. Waiting for someone to throw color and ambition on it. It waits anxiously for itself to come to life. Now is the time. Let the journey begin."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

There are some nights...

...Where I just feel completely awake in God's presence. I am giddy, to the point of riculousness. But, sadly, I will not be able to disclose the source of my giddyness until the appropriate time. Trust me, it's coming soon, (to a town near you) and it's SO good.

God is blessing me and this great guy of mine. I am more in love every day. 16 months of an amazing adventure. Can't wait until forever!
Picture from a long time ago, but one that shows how happy my heart is where I'm at. :)

And I'm thankful for this little bundle that graced our presence today:
My soon to be sister and brother in law had their baby today!! Congrats Kattie and Tyler!
Millie Lynn Webb, 6 pounds, 11 oz of pure sweetness! Can't wait to kiss that face and hold you!

And lastly, I am thankful for:

The power of prayer and God's protection over devastating circumstances. My mentor, Kristina's husband was hit by a car on the highway yesterday and healed almost instantly by God. Amazing. I still stand in awe of the POWER of our God in the midst of such scary circumstances. Prayer for the soreness to go away and for God to restore 100% is still greatly appreciated. Such a sweet family, God definitely has them in His hands. I am thankful for YOU and your impact, Wade and Kristina!

Fresca. I am obsessed.

My dance class of 3-5 year old princesses that make me laugh more than I can actually teach.

Books that distract me from homework.




My cute Vera Bradley organizer that inspires me to be organized. It's the pretty flower design that did me in...:)

Happy Thursday!


  1. I just think you're precious! I can't wait to hear what the big news is!! Praying for you both daily! Love you!

  2. You made my day! :)

    Thank you for the prayers! We need the support!
    I love you too!!!
