"Canvas is a bank piece of life. Waiting for someone to throw color and ambition on it. It waits anxiously for itself to come to life. Now is the time. Let the journey begin."

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I'm going to tell you something that may rock your socks off, (or your flip-flops, it's beautiful out today!): Satan wants your heart. But even more so, He wants you to follow it.


There's a podcast by Perry Noble that has completely changed my day. In it, he talks about how Satan knows the deep connection we have to our hearts. He knows how to twist it and he knows how to deceive our hearts into his "truth." And what's even worse, once he gets hold of our heart, it's not hard for him to get that connection to your mind. Suddenly, you feel entitled, scared, jealous, envious, malicious and prideful. Your mind is polluted with doubts, insecurities, troubles...and you say, "Well, I feel this and think this, so it must be God...right?" "My heart is telling me to do this, God has to be in it...right?" Am I being too harsh? Absolutely not.

Proverbs 4:23 says for us to guard our hearts because it determines the course of our life. And that is so important. We have to realize that the Enemy wants nothing more than to capture your little heart and lead you in any way he can away from our God.

So what do we do? I am writing this to you only because I know just how destructive this can be. It can capture you, overpower you and manipulate you. God wants us to train our minds with His Word and counsel. He wants us to surrender daily, those things that try every minute to penetrate your mind and to seek hope and security in what He has to say. A great verse to remember is from Philippians. "Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you." (4:8-9).

A strong, sound mind is something that takes work and faith. I'm on this journey, and it's tough when Satan uses everything he can, people that are close to you, situations that occur, to tear down the strength you have in the Lord. Be strong and courageous, (Josh 1:9), and follow your Jesus, not your heart.

Love you guys!


  1. So good!! I wish I listened to more podcasts! I think I'll start... :)

  2. I love this post, Tiffanie. And I LOVE Joshua 1:9!

  3. Thanks girls! I am glad you liked this post. It was super tough for me to write out, it's been a long struggle of mine. But with great rewards!
