"Canvas is a bank piece of life. Waiting for someone to throw color and ambition on it. It waits anxiously for itself to come to life. Now is the time. Let the journey begin."

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A new kind of fire.

One of the things I never want for my life is to lose passion. I absolutely know the busy style of life and how obligations can get in the way, but I love that God has made me a passionate person. I am passionate about love, people, Jesus, art, places...the list is endless. I love learning and growing in those passions, which has recently been happening and it's an awesome journey!

I am taking an art class this semester and already am in love with it. I am kind of an eager nerd when it comes to art. :) It's such a great release and it comes in so many forms, you can't possibly get away from it! I read a piece over Van Gogh and was intrigued by his instability yet his ability to be passionate about what he does and the riches of life. So I thought I would share this portion of a letter he wrote to a friend shortly before his death. It is pretty inspiring!

"In my opinion, I am often rich as Croesus,not in money, but (though it doesn't happen everyday) rich, because I have found in my work something to which I can devote myself heart and soul, and which gives me inspiration and significance to life. Of course my moods vary, but there is an average of serenity. I have a sure faith in art, a sure confidence that is a powerful stream, which bears a man to harbour, though he himself must do his bit too; and at all events I think is such a great blessing, when a man has found his work, that I cannot count myself among the fortunate. I mean, I may be in certain relatively great difficulties, and there may be gloomy days in my life, but I shouldn't want to be counted among the unfortunate nor would it be correct."

Well said Mr. Van Gogh, well said.

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