"Canvas is a bank piece of life. Waiting for someone to throw color and ambition on it. It waits anxiously for itself to come to life. Now is the time. Let the journey begin."

Monday, June 21, 2010

When this world doesn't suffice.

Happy first day of summer to you all!

I think I am back on track with this blogging thing, summer keeps me too busy with classes and all but I wanted to elaborate on some pretty amazing things happening around here!

First of all, if you haven't heard, I'm preapring right now for my first international mission trip EVER. What's even better? I'm going to Africa!!!! What's even better than that? I'm going to Rwanda and Ethiopia, two places that I am dying to get to. I'll be heading out on December 27th with my sweet boyfriend, sister and two good friends! We are all so ready! Pretty sure I'll just want to stay there forever. :) Prayers are much appreciated for financial and spiritual prep. If you'd like to know more anout our trip, shoot me an email and I'll send you a letter!:)

Secondly, my favorite thing about this summer so far has only been one thing in particular, and that is endurance. I recently went down to Falls Creek for two days to mostly get away from everything and get some serious solitude with God. I'm finding it very hard to do that lately. Anyway, so we went down for two days and I came back feeling like it had been five! It is amazing what God can do when you just tell hIm, "Alright, I'll only be here for 24 hours. What do you need to say to me?" And without fail, I sat and listened and heard. The theme of the camp this summer is Sent. The teaching was based off of the verse John 17:18 and it was exactly the confirmation I needed for how big of an influence missions will play in my future. Let's just say that it's a really big part! :) I had the chance to speak with a missionary that lived in India for two years and had more opportunity to seek God's gentle shoving towards what He wants. I cannot be more excited about it! If you have a missions heart, you know that feeling you get when you get to talk about the place you are going, the people you will see, who you will serve, what God will work in...it feels like your heart is about to explode, right? :)

I am fully amazed at the work He is doing in me. There is something amazing about letting go of worries you can't do anything about. There's something about opening up and being honest with your heart with others, even if it hurts. There's something about surrendering and learning to imitate a love that will take a lifetime to understand. There's something about my Jesus, the One who completes everything in my life because He is my life. The world will not suffice, I will not settle for the things that will fade. I choose to look beyond that, I choose to be completely His. :)


  1. Tiffanie! This is so awesome to hear about. I love the works He can do in our hearts when we're willing for Him to mold us, to work among people we've never met. I would LOVE to hear more about your trip - I couldn't find your email, so I figured I would just give you mine! it's anniesmusings [at] gmail [dot] com. Thanks!

  2. Annie
    So sorry I am horrible at checking comments! :)

    I will send you an email. Thanks so much for partenering with us simply by praying. You are an awesome girl!

    Talk to you soon,
