"Canvas is a bank piece of life. Waiting for someone to throw color and ambition on it. It waits anxiously for itself to come to life. Now is the time. Let the journey begin."

Friday, November 6, 2009

Leaves and whispers

I have a truly beautiful image to paint for you guys and gals today! (Btw I have this really bad habit of using the collective term "guys" whenever I'm talking to a group. Even if it's a group of girls! Is that offensive to some of you? I try really hard not to say it when talking specifically to a group of ladies...but I don't always catch it. So, I am asking for some positive, emphasis on positive, feedback!)

I was driving back home from a really sweet morning, listening to some Kari Jobe when I.... was no longer blind. (bear with me...it will make sense.) No, I am not blind (although my running into walls and not being able to adjust to the dark quickly could be a sign it's coming...) but I felt like it when I saw the absolute awesome beauty of what the Lord laid out in front of me today. In the it says the Lord spoke to Elijah with a gentle whisper while winds and fire blew before Him. I LOVE that. I love that God's answers and commands are gentle and intimate enough to sometimes only be seen or heard by us. So driving along I noticed all these leaves...everywhere. Beautiful orange, yellow, red and brown leaves scattered around the neighborhoods...leaving that perfect at home feel everywhere. I thought, "It would be crazy awesome to see these leaves floating and billowing, almost as if God wanted to tell me something with them." And ba da boom....a whirlwind of leaves went up for the next several streets. I'm pretty sure I could have wrecked had I not been driving on an empty street. I just could feel my Father with me in that moment...and it was INCREDIBLE. Our God is just far too amazing for words sometimes.

Orange will show me Your grace is sufficeint
Yellow will be my Guide
Brown will be the land You've walked, the people You've rendered
and red will match the blood from Your hands
I am covered in a love inflicted by pain but given freely by a sweet surrender.

1 comment:

  1. This is lovely, so poetic and honest. Sometimes I forget to look for any kind of beauty in all the changes I'm experiencing, but I definitely see beauty when fall comes. And, just like you said, in all that massive major change he still knows how to speak to an individual need, a sweet whisper that shatters all the roaring crazy. Thanks for sharing this!
