"Canvas is a bank piece of life. Waiting for someone to throw color and ambition on it. It waits anxiously for itself to come to life. Now is the time. Let the journey begin."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Bucket List

Found my old list today when going through my old journals...I have been praying for God to inspire me more, change me, shape me and give me clarity this week...guess this is what I needed to find. :) Step One: Be intentional about it!
1. Fall in love madly and get married (almost there!!) :)
2. Sponsor a child
3. Live overseas in Asia and Africa
4. Serve with the man of my dreams overseas
5. Take ballroom dancing
6. Take African dance
7. Go see a ballet
8. Sky dive or bungee jump
9. Rock climb
10. Get a tattoo of Africa
11. Minister to women that have been victims of sex trafficking
12. Go on a mission trip to Africa
13. Go to Asia
14. Go see all the monumental places in the world
15. Get kissed under the Eiffel Tower
16. Write a book
17. Go to the Smithsonian Art Museum
18. Go see the Olympics
19. Fill up my 1st passport
20. Go on a cruise
21. Snowboard
22. Go see the NYC ballet and a broadway show
23. Learn to speak French fluently
24. Run in a marathon or triathalon
25. Read every book on my wishlist
26. Learn to play the piano
28. Visit Hillsong in Paris
29. Learn to paint…better!
30. Accomplish some of this list before I'm 30
31. Swim with a dolphin
32. Design a different theme for every room of my house (Places of the world…Africa,
France, Italy, China…etc.)
33. Buy an Edgar Degas painting
34. Learn to sew and do it for a cause
35. Learn to play the guitar
36. Go to India
37. Ride a gondola in Sicily
38. Teach my children to speak French
39. Go on a safari!
40. Watch a sunrise and a sunset with my man
41. Open up my home to someone I don't know
42. Go to Israel
43. Adopt a child from Africa
44. Learn my Italian family's secret recipe for homemade spaghetti
45. Meet my brother and sister
46. Read the Bible in French...the whole thing.
47. Go back to Germany and see where I spent the earliest years of my life
48. Sleep under the stars
49. Learn to salsa dance
50. Make my own Ethiopian meal
51. Find out what my ethnicity truly is
52. Meet someone famous
53. Fast consistently
54. Be a part in movement
55. Learn to belly dance
56. Float in the Dead Sea
57. Make pottery and try glass blowing
58. Become more intentional
59. Learn Chinese
60. Drink Champagne on a balcony somewhere romantic (preferably not in the US)
61. Wash the feet of the homeless
62. Get over my fear of loneliness
63. Have a baby and make him/her all kinds of cute, crafty things
64. Lear the valuable lesson of patience
65. Be serenaded by the man I love
66. Start a non-profit in Africa for dance and art
67. Volunteer in a children's physical rehab center
68. Show a random act of kindness for a solid month
69. Cook meals from scratch and make a family cookbook
70. Go to the Charity Water Ball
71. Walk miles to a water well for a family in Africa and get water for them
72. Go white water rafting
73. Skinnydip...with no one looking of course! ;)
74. Try on pointe shoes
75. Go to the Globe Theater and watch a play
76. Hold an exotic animal
77. Graffiti something cool
78. Throw darts at balloons filled with paint on a canvas
79. Learn to shoot a bow and arrow
80. Learn to do a backflip
81. Grow my own fruits and vegetables
82. Ride in a hot air balloon...without barfing.
83. Stand on top of Taipei 101
84. Go to an expensive spa
85. Be in a flash mob
86. Get over my fear of crickets and frogs...there's a reason why this is last. :)

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