"Canvas is a bank piece of life. Waiting for someone to throw color and ambition on it. It waits anxiously for itself to come to life. Now is the time. Let the journey begin."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Canvas Life

As you all may have noticed, I changed my title for this blog. I went over and over again trying to find something solid and just profound...ok, maybe not profound, but something that will make people ask, "Why Canvas Life? What does that mean?" :)

There are times in your life when God finally has enough of the hiding. There are times when He weeps over the timid spirit of his children. There are times when He wants to drag us out of our fears and let us see the us he created us to be. It may happen when you are eight and it may happen when you're nineteen. But it will happen for those us who fight against transparency.

"Being vulnerable can be costly. But the results-genuine intimacy with others, the freedom of living a transparent life before others; the bond that comes from a shared burden-can be transforming."

It truly is.

Canvas is a bank piece of life. Waiting for someone to throw color and ambition on it. It waits anxiously for itself to come to life. But it's needs an Artist. The Artist carefully maps out his creation and brings it to life. Sometimes it will get torn or smudged, but the Artist carefully washes over it, creating and brushing the paint into a beautiful creation. The Artist takes a step back and smiles, He wants the world to see his creation. He wants it to be free for others to see, to love and adore, to be inspired by. But what if the canvas was covered up? What if it was concealed for years with no one to see it's beauty, potential, and passion it portrays? The canvas isn't fufilling it's purpose. The Artist is screaming for it to come to life and lose the fear, the people-pleasing mindset it's so carefully adapted, to fufill His desire.

I am the Canvas. He is the Artist

This is a journey of finding out just what/who our Artist is calling me to be. It's a lifelong journey. But one filled with love, passion and abandon. It's in the works, but it will be beautiful once it's complete. :)

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