"Canvas is a bank piece of life. Waiting for someone to throw color and ambition on it. It waits anxiously for itself to come to life. Now is the time. Let the journey begin."

Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's Christmas Eve!

I found myself dishing out some wisdom on that messy topic of breaking up and finding your "Prince." I figured I could share with all of you wonderful people since a blog is LONG overdue. No worries, I will be catching you all up soon on this blizzardy holiday in Oklahoma! For now, enjoy some personal advice on being a "lady in waiting." :)

A few things I've learned:

1) A relationship that has too many unmet expectations will fall apart horribly. We expect to find our "princes," our knights in shining armor that will never let us down or mess up. Hello, they are not perfect! And neither are we. Too many times when people say they are looking for the "one" they will spout out lists upon lists of reasons why that person will be good to them, why they will be such a good match for them. Hardly ever will you hear someone say, "I want to fall in love with his stubborn determination or her tendency to call me out on petty things." If we want a good person that will treat us right, we have to look inward first. We will never have the right to expect something from someone if we don't give it first. Respect. Hope. Trust. Love...we must give it to receive it. The Fruits of the Spirit are great reminders (Galatians 5:22-23), learn to forgive and work out those petty issues.

2.) Laugh, laugh and laugh some more!!! Find things that are funny and share them! tell jokes, smile, be silly! Lighten up about sarcastic jokes and know when it's time to get serious. Your prince should (but may not) know when he has crossed the line and if he doesn't, let him know in a respectful way.mIt depends on the person as to how they will respond but my hope is that whoever he is, he knows the value of words and how they can build up or tear down.

3.) Know and remember you are beautiful and prized. No man, no person, should EVER be your reason for thinking you are beautiful. Because you are soley because you have been created! There is not a thing is this world that can tale that away from anyone. Your confidence has to come from within. My advice on this is that if you can't seem to see your true self when you aren't with someone, then it's time to step away from the dating scene for a bit. You see, your worth will come from something so much greater than what society tells us! We are beautiful because we are strong, independent, confident, smart and determined. You are a preciosu jewel in the eyes of Jesus. And if a man can't see that and value it , he has no business being with you.

These lessons are a few of many I have learned! It takes time to heal, time to understand and time to grow. When you relaize your worth, your value of being a beautiful "lady in waiting" you will find that your prince is worth becoming better for! and worth waiting for :)

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