"Canvas is a bank piece of life. Waiting for someone to throw color and ambition on it. It waits anxiously for itself to come to life. Now is the time. Let the journey begin."

Monday, July 11, 2011

Watermelons, Harry Potter and the interim.

Summer is fun for me for about 5 reasons: Number one is watermelon. Simply said, it never tastes as good as it does when your outside baking in the heat and the juice is running all over your face. Yes, that's my favorite. Number 2, I love summer foods. Bright vegetables, salsa, guacamole, grilled chicken and burgers...and most of all lots of cookouts and parties to attend with all of the above included. :) Number 3, I like to swim...(about 5 times out of the year, then I'm over it). Number 4, I like not having school. Number 5, It now contains my anniversary. :) (I had to).

[Come on August 12th!]

Other than that, summer and I are not that great of friends. Which just so happens to put me in the mood for hot tea, falling leaves and the ability to be outside without june bugs colliding into your head and feeling like you have to shower for the third time that day after walking to the mailbox.

But, just about the most important thing this summer will contain besides The Big Day will be this Friday. And if you have even an ounce of cool in you, you'll know why. The very last Harry Potter movie comes out this Friday. It's easily one of the days I have been looking forward to all year! Since I was about 11, these movies coming out each summer or November have been months of ecstatic proportions for me. And now, sadly, it is coming to an end this Friday. But Mr. Potter, no doubt, will go out with a bang. Or a blast of a wand. Whatever you prefer. :)

In another Muggle news, I have finally finished Cold Tangerines. It was one of those slow chews for me. One that took a lot of rereading and a lot of laughing. There's something about finishing a really great book. Kind of like finishing that last piece of cheesecake, or getting that kiss goodnight. Something about it just leaves you smiling, a little more elated and a whole lot happier. That's what I found out in this book. And to end this absurdly random piece of writing tonight, I'll leave you with my absolute favorite section of this book.

Everything is interim. Everything is a path or a preparation for the next thing, and we never know what the next thing is. Life is like that, of course, twisty and surprising. But life with God is like that exponentially. We can dig in, make plans, write in stone, pretend we're not listening, but the voice of God has a way of being heard. It seeps in like smoke or vapor even when we've barred the door against any last minute changes, and it moves us to different ways of living. It keeps us moving and dancing and watching, and never lets us drop down into a life set on cruise control. Life with God is a daring dream, full of flashes and last minute exits and generally all things
we never said we'd do. And with the surprises comes great hope.

1 comment:

  1. That quote might have just killed me. In the best way.
